
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020


Hi everyone! Today i'm going to tell you about my favorite subject this semester. I honestly didn't like any subject this semester because of the pandemic i only have theory subject. My favorite subject is modern dance and ballet and i hope to have them next semester. If i have to choose a favorite subject for this semester it would be anatomy. In the classes the teacher would show us a powerpoint and we would take notes. He also showed us videos explaining something or some text to read and the truth was very entertaining because the teacher explained ver well and we understand all the subjects. One of the things i liked was that his classes were with many images and little text. During this class we saw material that was pending from last year and we saw things of general anatomy and then we had three more classes where we saw osteology, myology and muscular contraction.  I like anatomy because i think it is very interesting to know and under


Hello everyone!  Today i'm going to tell you about my bucket list. I don't think i have ever thought about the thing i would like to do in the future, so i don't have a bucket list. However, on this list i would include finishing my career if things improve in the country or my other option would be to go study in Argentina. Another thing i would like to do is travel, get to know Chile, get to know other countries and other cultures. Also in the future i would like to live in another country, it could be the United States or some european country so i can learn english and train or work as a dancer.  I think that the most difficult thing would be to go and live in another country. One of the things that i already did on my list is to travel the United States but i would love to go there again so that i can get to know other places. I would love to fulfill my bucket list with my boyfriend, besides there are dreams that we share so it would be incredibl