Post 10: Some reflections
Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about some of my reflections for this first semester. I don't think I've ever had the time to reflect on what this first semester has been like as much as my personal life or as a student. I think that in spite of all the bad things that are happening right now, good things have also happened to me, such as being able to share more with my family and spend more time at home, appreciating the love of my loved ones and being able to give myself the time to meet myself, because I think that one never gives oneself the time. As for my academic semester, I think it has been good to be able to see and talk to my classmates and friends because in these difficult times it has been very important to keep in touch so that we can support each other and contain ourselves emotionally. The worst thing about this semester is that it is online and that some classes are not useful in this modality. Our classes have not worked because they requir...