Post 6: Carrer-Related website or an expert on your field

79 mejores imágenes de Marianela Nuñez | Danza, Ballet, Bailarinas

Hello everyone! Today i'm going to tell you about the person i admire in dance.

  I think i can't think of just one person because i fell that i admire many people and teachers who have taught me but if i must choose one person it is the dancer Marianela Nuñez. She is an Argentinean dancer, she is 38 years old and she is the principal dancer of one pf the most famous ballets, Royal Opera House.She has been a principal dancer in ballet works such as La Bayadera, Giselle and Swan Lake, etc. 

I like her because she is a latin dancer who was able to fulfill her dreams and be able to dance in one of the most famous ballet companies in the world. I also love her technique and it inspires me to be a better dancer and to be able to dance in prestigious companies in the world. She inspires me to try harder and to want fulfill my dreams.  


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